How Do I Get All of My Emails to Show Up as Read on My Iphone?

iPhone: iOS Mail app not displaying all my latest e-mail in Inbox

This is a known bug in the iOS Mail app. You can in fact admission the more recent items (via your spider web mail or even an alternating email app or email customer.) The Mail app is actually grabbing the wrong subset of your Inbox email which causes some email to appear to exist missing.

Why is this happening?

The Mail app is showing y'all the emails that got moved into your Inbox most "recently" instead of your "newest" emails. So, if you or a service like SaneBox copies a large number of older emails into your Inbox right at present, you may merely run across those and brand new emails that arrived after the copy.

Thus, your Inbox will appear to take a set up of missing emails. Don't panic. The emails are really yet in your Inbox. Yous tin verify this by viewing your Inbox in your web mail interface. The trouble is that iOS Apple tree Mail hasn't "fetched" those gap emails yet and therefore is non showing them in your view.

Most all other electronic mail clients on the face of the planet (including Apple OSX Mail) fetch from your mail server by latest arrivals showtime instead of almost recently copied or moved. Or they fetch them all, which avoids the trouble as well.

We and others have begged Apple to ready this problematic problems blazon behavior to no avail.

How exercise I fix this?

Showtime begin with updating to the newest version of iOS.

And so, attempt these other iv possible solutions:

  • Keep scrolling down by the lesser of your Inbox view to force the app to load more post. Newer versions of Mail app automatically retrieve the next serial of email from your server each fourth dimension you hit the bottom. Older versions of iOS Mail (earlier than iOS viii) showed a "Load More Messages" button at the lesser of the listing. Click that push if it appears.
  • Repeatedly scrolling down (or clicking the "Load More Messages" button) will make the app fetch the adjacent batch of messages. Apparent gaps will exist magically healed equally Mail app caches the unabridged Inbox. This seemingly countless trip to the lesser of your Inbox is tedious, but it really does set things direct. Your newest mail volition rise to the top again once you've pulled all the way to the bodily bottom of your Inbox. Sounds crazy only information technology works.
  • For certain less mutual email systems (some Substitution hosting configurations for example) it may help to check iOS Settings->Mail->Accounts (your account) and set "Mail service Days to Sync" to "No Limit". This option isn't shown unless your host supports it.


  • Select and move any range of sometime emails showing out of sequence in your Inbox into any other electronic mail binder. You tin can do this with any email customer and/or web mail service interface.
  • Signup or re-signup for SaneBox and allow us to help. After analyzing your electronic mail history, we will know which email is worthy of your Inbox. Your oldest emails will exist moved to a SaneArchive folder and your less important email will be moved to SaneLater. Moving the old stuff and unimportant stuff out of your Inbox will eliminate the problem.
  • Recollect that if you ever cancel your SaneBox business relationship, choose to proceed your Sane folders instead of having the e-mail in those folders moved back to your Inbox. Keeping your Sane folders will avoid this IOS outcome all together. After your SaneBox account is canceled, those Sane folders are yours to exercise with as you lot wish. Remember, canceling your SaneBox account causes u.s.a. to securely erase our copy of your username/password or Gmail/Yahoo/AOL/Outlook authentication token so we wouldn't be able to continue to filter your Inbox email into those folders even if you wanted us to.

SaneBox Compatibility with iOS Mail.

SaneBox works with any e-mail client, device, or provider (with the exception of Pop-just providers, and there are very few of those left). Learn more than.

The whole signal of SaneBox is to get unimportant emails out of your way so that you can deal with your of import ones at present. We take all of those unimportant emails and put them into SaneLater and then that tin either archive or delete them when you have a free moment. Acquire more.


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