Not This Shit Again Anime Meme


The devastation of the Mugen Train incident still weighs heavily on the members of the Demon Slayer Corps. Despite beingness given time to recover, life must get on, equally the wicked never sleep: a savage demon is terrorizing the attracting women of the Yoshiwara Amusement District. The Sound Pillar, Tengen Uzui, and his three wives are on the instance. However, when he soon loses contact with his spouses, Tengen fears the worst and enlists the help of Tanjirou Kamado, Zenitsu Agatsuma, and Inosuke Hashibira to infiltrate the district's most prominent houses and locate the depraved Upper Rank demon.

[Written past MAL Rewrite]


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"Zankyou Zanka (残響散歌)" by Aimer
i: "Zankyou Zanka (残響散歌)" by Aimer(eps 1)
2: "Asa ga Kuru (朝が来る)" by Aimer(eps ii-ix)


February 13, 2022

Overall five
Story 4
Animation 10
Sound 8
Character 4
Enjoyment 7

Contains some mild spoilers.

"Demon Slayer is carried by its animation"

A common take that haters of this show love to spew, but how truthful is it actually?

Demon Slayer S2 picks up immediately where the motion picture leaves off with the main trio and now the sound hashira going to the "amusement district" to kill a demon residing there. Information technology introduces usa to the new Sound Hashira, and likewise new villains, in the form of a pair of brother-sister demons.

It goes without proverb that Demon Slayer's fight scenes look spectacular, i dont think i need to spend much time praising the visuals or its choreography. When people talk about or hype upward Demon Slayer, this is the first affair that comes to listen. While Demon Slayer may not be Ufotable's all-time piece of work (that goes to Heaven's Feel in my opinion), it does not modify the fact that information technology is still undeniably 1 of the nigh well-blithe shows in the medium.

The score is by the renowned Yuki Kajiura, and its decent. It compliments the animation and the fights well. Information technology hits when it matters, nil much else to say nigh it. The Aimer OP and ED, while they are very nice songs to listen to, exercise not really fit the night, gritty tone that the evidence was trying to adopt, especially towards the latter half of the season, just i dont recollect this means a lot in the grand scheme of things so i wont dwell too long on information technology.

Now onto the less amazing parts of Demon Slayer.

Demon Slayer'southward character writing is very polarising. Tanjiro, probably the about interesting grapheme, is an donating, selfless empath. He never fails to see the proficient in even the worst of demons. He is a squeamish guy at heart, and like shooting fish in a barrel to get behind which makes for a likeable protagonist, merely not necessarily the most interesting to spotter. Zenitsu and Inosuke on the other hand, represent running gags that the testify has. Inosuke is ambitious, hot-headed and short-tempered, while Zenitsu is a simp. Most of their dialogue and personality revolve around this i trait that they have. While fans may find them to exist funny and corking comic relief, I am certainly not ane of them. The 2 new antagonists take a somewhat endearing sibling relationship, merely we are spoon-fed their backstory but every bit they are about to die. Information technology comes off as if they are forcing usa to feel sorry for characters that nosotros would otherwise not intendance about. Because, earlier the backstory, i saw the 2 villains as one-note, blank slate villains which volition surely die by the end of the flavor. Their backstories are admittedly somewhat sad and heartbreaking and I am sure that these moments do brand many viewers experience for the characters, and thats groovy. However for me, and lots of people i've interacted with, these moments come up off equally emotionally manipulative and forced.

The dialogue in Demon Slayer is very VERY swollen. In that location is an extraordinary overuse of monologues. Monologues arent inherently bad, but when its used so much, it gets to the point of being completely meaningless. This causes the flashy, pretty looking fights to become somewhat tiresome and dried. What do i mean past this? Demon Slayer has a tendency of treating its audience like they are 3 yr olds who dont have basic reading comprehension. It feels this need to explain everything that happens on-screen, even the well-nigh blatantly obvious things. "I'll slash equally difficult as i can!", "The slash didnt get through!!" This kind of "walkthrough dialogue" (a term coined past a friend of mine) that nigh narrates the events shown, give the fight sequences themselves a lot less bear upon and make them far less meaningful or immersive.

As for the tonal inconsistencies, at that place are many sudden tone changes that happens out of the blue. The show would randomly crack a joke in the middle of a fight, the music stops, and some sound effects intended for comic relief get-go to play. Dont get me wrong, comic relief isnt bad, merely the timing is what matters, and Demon Slayer times these comic relief moments IN THE Middle OF AN INTENSE FIGHT SCENE. This breaks immersion, and reduces investment, especially when it comes out of nowhere.  Thankfully, as the season progressed, this became less and less of a trouble every bit the testify managed to stick to the night, gritty tone that it had originally intended to adopt.

Demon Slayer is likewise rampant with plot conveniences. Characters would accept broken fingers, be punched in the gut 10 times or and so, and even so effectively be at full fighting capacity. At one point, Tanjiro goes down, has a flashback about Nezuko, manages to get back up (albeit with a petty scrap of difficulty and limping), and is suddenly ready to fight over again, "Determination conquers all", a common theme throughout the series. So whats the problem hither? The injuries and hits that they take feel very meaningless. Yes certain, when they do get striking, they go hit very hard, simply why does it matter? They just get back up a minute later as if nothing happened to them. Fingers broken? Just agree the sword with your remaining fingers lmao. Got stabbed through the chest? Only shift the position of your organs lmao. This tin potentially stop me from taking the fights seriously, every bit the stakes become nonexistent. The just real stakes that are present, come at the end of the flavour, but by then, the fight is over, and the impact that it leaves, is not very significant.

Its easy to see the appeal of Demon Slayer, and i do enjoy what information technology has to offer. It is hands accessible, hands digestable, and information technology looks great, making for a very entertaining show to sentinel, but its definitely non without its fair share of flaws. I imagine the diehard fans of the serial either dont consider my issues as flaws, or are willing to overlook the flaws despite them being present. On the other paw, i imagine that the diehard haters retrieve the positives count for petty when the myriad of other flaws are present. Both positions are totally reasonable and understandable. Thank you for reading.

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Feb 13, 2022

Overall 4
Story ii
Blitheness 8
Sound 7
Character 2
Enjoyment 3

*out-of-context spoilers*

People always say Demon Slayer is only pop thank you to its dazzling blitheness, simply I completely disagree. When you actually sit and watch information technology, you just meet some generic, uninteresting shounen, and however everyone acts like it'due south this incredible masterpiece, and so why the massive divergence in opinion? It must be the flashy animation, right? Personally, I uncertainty information technology, considering shows with skillful blitheness are ignored just every bit often as shows with bad animation are propped up. The most well-blithe show of concluding flavor was Ousama Ranking, and it wasn't fifty-fifty in the elevation v most pop shows of the flavour here on MAL. The most well-blithe show from last Summer was Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid S, and conversely, it was in the tiptop five. Spring was Vivy, and it wasn't. And Winter was Mushoku Tensei, just it was. My signal is there'southward no consistency in behavior. Shows like Set on on Titan: The Final Season can accept laughable CG and be defended ferociously, while shows like Overlord 3 can have equally laughable CG and be unanimously mocked. Obviously, the visuals take a lot to practice with Demon Slayer's ability to go viral online, just if you ask me, the real central to condign this much of a monolithic mega-hit is its accessibility. This is not a prove where the writers feel the need to diversify their exposition dumps. Even mid-battle, every character is perfectly willing to spontaneously inner-monologue any information even slightly necessary for the audience, and everyone's motivation is and so simple and straightforward, that to forget it, you lot would accept to forget the entire beingness of the character. If you're a cynical bowwow like me, information technology'due south very piece of cake to think, "Wow. This show must be written for retards, 5-year-olds, or retarded five-year-olds." However, I finally realized it'south non that it's written for retards or five-year-olds. It's written for people who literally haven't watched the show before. Let me to explain.

This is going to come across as extremely cavalier and insincere, but one affair I genuinely really appreciate about Demon Slayer, and the deciding factor which I recall makes the show so hands accessible to such a vast audience, is that it's so shallow and superficial, it requires no commitment and no real attention to savour. That's an insult packaged within a very thin compliment, I understand that, but I'chiliad being very genuine when I say this, because flavour one of Demon Slayer for me was a 20 six week long nap. I mean, seriously, I slept through then much of that first season, I truly do not remember even an hour's worth of its content. I remember pretty much all of episode ane, because I become into every show with somewhat of an open heed, and this is especially truthful with Demon Slayer, because ufotable has earned their reputation. I know their shows volition never merely exist full effortless dogshit, and cheers to the massive marketing initiative Aniplex launched to advertise information technology, I had already seen the promotional material likewise. I really loved the colors and the whole Taisho-era aesthetic of the evidence, so I really wanted to similar it. When information technology turned out to exist totally milquetoast and wearisome, that attention faded very quickly, but for at least episode ane, I had my encephalon turned on, and I therefore recollect how everything starts. This is important, because with shounen manga adaptations, the inciting incident is all that really matters. Past the end of chapter one, you lot ever have your i and only goal, and this one and but goal is the backbone of the Weekly Shounen Jump formula. Find One Piece and become Pirate King, become the Fifth Hokage, observe all 7 Dragon Balls, find a way to turn Nezuko back into a human, etc. But that's where my memory kinda stops, and yet the fact my memory stops in no mode impedes upon my enjoyment of the prove. THAT'Southward the key to Demon Slayer'south success.

Having watched season one in this drowsy stupor, barely sober and barely awake, I just really remember a few distinct, well-executed moments beyond episode i. I remember Tanjiro cutting the boulder in episode 4; I retrieve Zenitsu unveiling his sleep assault in episode twelve; I remember the Blessed Rain After the Drought from episode 16; I think Zenitsu going crazy in episode seventeen; I remember near of episode 19, as well as how they invalidated the victory in the following episode and CG water man had to come and finish off the spider guy; and I call back that one Hashira trying bait Nezuko into attacking him in one of the afterward episodes. But that'south not how the series actually plays out, because Demon Slayer was twenty half-dozen episodes worth of content, not simply those few moments I was able to recall and describe. It had a plot, it had multiple story arcs, it had tons of dialogue I'm sure, but it was so tortuously boring, it ever put me to sleep. I must also stress that I did non binge this. Every single week for twenty six weeks, I would turn on the new episode and just pass out. My soul would simply exit my fucking body. When I went to get see Infinity Train, I asked these iii boys who were sat near me in the theatre if nosotros'd met Rengoku in the show before, and when they said, "no, non really," I burst out laughing. His character development in the picture show was easily amid the most unoriginal, uninspired, generic shounen flashback backstories I'd ever seen, and since his whole personality was just haha lol then funny haha he said UMAI! haha xd funny meme bro haha ayy lmao haha, that by the time the end of the picture show came around and he was fighting some OTHER fucking guy who we also but met and who had Even LESS screen time or memorable characterization, I was but cracking myself upwardly in the theatre cackling like a psychopath screaming, "Who the fuck ARE you?!"

All of ufotable's nigh talented staff came together to produce one of the most spectacular fight sequences I'd e'er seen, but there was no tension, no excitement, no emotion, no appointment, no anything, considering the combatants were these two shallow not-characters who I only just met and who I didn't give half a shit near at all. The result is an unbelievable spectacle that'south just impressive for the sake of existence impressive, and that's it. THAT'S the key to Demon Slayer's success. Despite remembering only a handful of moments from season one and sleeping through the residual, I was able to watch Infinity Railroad train (and now The Red Light District Arc equally well) without feeling confused or missing the appeal at all. THAT'S the fundamental to Demon Slayer'due south success. It'southward not successful just because it has flashy animation—those people are just haters spouting random shit to diminish the bear witness'southward achievements because they don't similar it. It'south successful because anyone in Japan, whether they're young or onetime, boy or girl, homo or woman, student or professional person, unemployed or retired, ANYONE can turn on the Television, see a sociopolitically whitewashed, inoffensive portrayal of Taisho, the most beloved and romanticized era of Japanese history, with pretty colors and a simple story, and say, "He wants to save his sister? That's nice." That's chosen accessibility, and it'due south why Demon Slayer is so popular. Information technology's boring and generic? Why the hell am I talking like these are bad things? Being boring and generic is exactly what people like about it! Like I said at the commencement of this review, it's not written for dummies. It's written for people who literally oasis't watched the show before. It's written then that if you lot're flipping though channels and land on Fuji Boob tube, it'll be more than try to find something else than information technology would be to think, "Eh. This looks fine." If anything, the more dumbed-down the script is, the easier it is for people to go on lath.

In episode one of season two, Mini Rengoku says to Tanjiro, "But you came all this way for information technology, only to stop up learning nothing well-nigh Hinokami Kagura or what my father called 'Lord's day Breathing'," and I seriously laughed for something like two minutes straight. The dialogue in this show is fucking negative IQ level shit. It feels like watching Alex Kurtzman'southward Mummy, where the blonde lady has to keep explaining to Tom Cruise who his grapheme is supposed to exist and then the Chinese theater audience has multiple opportunities to read the subtitles. This ho-hum, dull-witted approach to scripting is reflected in the notoriously bad comedy likewise, considering at that place are no jokes in Demon Slayer. At that place is no written humor. It's just a bunch of dopey concrete comedy. Never does information technology setup or payoff a real, constructed joke. It'due south just: "HAHA He screamed! XD" "HAHA He savage over! XD" "HAHA He made a silly face! XD" It's such basic, bargain-bin humor that even a monkey could express joy at. Information technology can become me to grinning when it stops trying to play itself straight—like at the beginning of episode ii when Tanjiro and Uzui are doing this unfunny comedy routine, and it but keeps cutting to Zenitsu going, "What the fuck are these people talking about?"—but most of the fourth dimension, the kittenish sense of humour is merely as annoying every bit it's e'er been. And don't even get me started on the inept tone. When I reach the signal as an audience fellow member where I'm watching the reddish-haired demon guy from Infinity Train shuttering in terror, groveling in fear, getting fiercely accosted past the main villain who looks like shota Michael Jackson, I have to take a stride back and inquire whether or not this is supposed to be funny. I mean, when they cast Maya Sakamoto, apply her perfectly, but then make her embarrassingly bawl, "Tasukete, Onii-chan!" I'm not thinking, "Wow! What a dramatic character arc!" I'm thinking, "How the fuck am I fifty-fifty supposed to feel about this character?"

I saw someone attempting to defend the shitty writing past arguing that generic shounenshit we've seen a 1000000 times similar villains who waste fourth dimension soapboxing instead of killing the protagonists shouldn't exist criticized because, indeed, we've seen this trash a million times and should be accustomed to it. This is a classic example of thinking with low standards. Yes, this trope is used as a crutch for hack authors who write themselves into corners all the fourth dimension, but does that make it okay? Does banality elevate something above criticism? No, of form not. It isn't cracking because it happens all the fourth dimension; it's bad, and it'south bad every time it happens. This, of form, is only addressing the general archetypes. I haven't fifty-fifty touched the seriously goofy shit even so…
>Shifting the positions of my internal organs and having amnesty to poison is child'due south play because…I grew upwardly in the mountains?
>Before, I was lightning speed, but when the narrative requires it, I AM GODSPEED. (please ignore Killua rip-off)
>Nezuko burns away the demonic toxicant, and Tanjiro literally says "idk lol" when asked how she can practise that.
>"'Score?!' Did he say 'score?!' Did he turn my Blood Demon Art into a vocal and deflect information technology?!"
Yeah. Not exactly the virtually brilliantly written show in the universe. With a script THIS dumb, information technology's no wonder ufotable relies on spectacle.

To give credit where it's due, Demon Slayer never derails and stays true to its core themes, hackneyed as they may exist. If recent best-sellers are anything to proceed, y'all can clearly see the "Large Iii" era of 700+ chapter manga is over. A fantastic adaptation which greatly elevates the source material, amazing grapheme designs, no extensive filler, good music, cool fights—simply turn your brain off, and what'due south not to like, correct? I've also seen people underrate Tanjiro as a graphic symbol, labeling him a generic goodboy MC and moving on, only I think he's really quite singled-out from typical shounen protagonists. What makes him interesting is how his conscience is handled. He accepts the fact demons were in one case people, and he is able to empathize with them despite the atrocities they commit, typically in the form of high bodycounts. However, he is also resolute in his efforts to slay them, and he does not hesitate to evangelize killing blows. This apparent contradiction is justified past Tanjiro's innate respect for life: the driving, defining force behind his moral compass. This makes him relatively unique compared to most shounen protagonists, every bit he not only delivers killing blows often, but also with the cognition he is deliberately ending an intelligent being's life—killing "people" that have been unsalvageably corrupted. I tin can't call back of also many shounen protagonists who actually kill their enemies, much less i who is portrayed every bit a traditional hero as opposed to some edgy anti-hero. Deep character, right? Possibly, only what this boils down to in execution is: "Those lost lives will never render! They tin never come dorsum! Those made of mankind and claret can't do what demons exercise. Why would you lot rob them? Why would you trample their lives?" There'south a solid grapheme conceit hidden somewhere backside all that bland, platitudinous drivel, only it's completely smothered past this Anakin Skywalker, Attack of the Clones-level writing.

The only graphic symbol who overcomes the shitty writing is Uzui. Uzui is not only the beginning grapheme with enough actual characterization for me to consider a grapheme at all, but he's also the first fellow member of the cast to actually brand me like them as a person even a fiddling bit. I but love it when anime prominently features men written past women, because dissimilar the majority-male industry of manga authors who write uncharismatic, discreet, cocky-insert characters, female authors are really comfortable with having men who stand out and go out an impression. When this guy was introduced slapping some girl'southward ass, taking children into Red Low-cal Districts, selling said children into prostitution, and boasting about his harem of three beautiful wives, I could not wipe the smiling off my face up. Much like the pandering waifus nosotros ever meet in anime written by men, it is crystal clear to me that Uzui's painted nails and flamboyant, fujoshi-allurement M-popular aesthetic is the embodiment of everything the author fetishizes in a human. To me, he only screams sometime, pilus metal, 80s rock bands like Guns Due north' Roses or Mötley Crüe who had long hair, wore make-up, and got beauty treatments at glamor salons. They all looked very feminine, and all the same they had literal oceans of topless women throwing themselves at them. For all the basement-dwelling otaku who wouldn't take the slightest idea what rock stars used to wait like before the year 2000, let me just say I don't think information technology'southward a coincidence this guy is called the "Sound Hashira" and defeats his enemies with the power of music. Once again, Uzui slapped some chick'south ass, and all the shameless girls on social media were immediately smitten, slobbering over their screens wishing they were her. No male author could industry that shit, and unlike the bandage upward until this signal which has consisted entirely of cookie-cutter shounen re-skins, Uzui gives this series a much needed spark of personality.

No crime to Manager Sotozaki—and, yep, I'm fully enlightened fans of this serial probably have little to no formulation of what it means for something to be "well-directed"—I have no idea why this series hasn't been handed over to Toshiyuki Shirai yet. His episodes are e'er more visually interesting, and I'd be curious to run across if he could meliorate the tortuously boring episodes filled with cypher but braindead comedy and snail-paced narrative progression, or if he but seems wildly more talented as a director because he was lucky enough to exist tasked with handling the more memorable episodes. Either fashion, the visuals are exactly what you'd expect from Fate-fotable: Unlimited Tax Evasion Works. Whether they're drawing a still pose, adding speed lines, shaking the frame, and spamming digital effects, or actually treating us to well-rounded, legitimately impressive animation, the audition volition eat it upwards regardless and denounce anyone who suggests the series has less than perfect visuals as a dishonest contrarian…simply people call me that anyway, so fuck it. Let'southward nitpick. First of all, no matter how relentless they are with their post-processing, ufotable all the same can't hide their CG. The CG ribbons aren't every bit bad as the CG tentacles from Infinity Train, but still. The principal digital effects worth lament most are the Michael Bay fireworks Uzui throws around, and of form, the fire. The digital smoke effects they honey using in this aren't terrible, simply no matter how expert ufotable's compositing is, no one can make that Shutterstock™ fireplace.gif look natural. I could get on, but yous become the point. Demon Slayer is an impressive, beautiful show, but anyone who says it'due south flawless knows nothing nearly animation product. This testify aired an episode with fight sequences well-nigh outclassing its own film on the same day Attack on Titan ended on a jpeg of a manga console, so even I'd feel lilliputian for nitpicking as well much.

I have high standards, and then even though I never had any real antagonism toward Demon Slayer, I gave season one the negative score information technology deserved. Remember, it'due south only real problem was being trite and consequentially tedious to whatsoever thinking viewer, but by allowing myself to fall asleep, I didn't torture myself with it. The upshot of this uncaring attitude is that all I actually remembered most the testify by the fourth dimension Infinity Train came out was the handful of awesome highlights which actually kept me awake, then even though I'one thousand consciously aware of its shortcomings and failures, all the memories I had of information technology were great. Feeling generous and non wanting to sour these good memories, I had a truly brilliant idea. To take advantage of the—how should I say this?—subcultural predilections of my fellow Americans, I bought a ticket downtown and reserved a seat at a theatre with a bar to guarantee the audience would be a lively, rowdy, urban bunch. This way, I could get shitfaced, overreact and talk shit, and still ultimately be quieter and more courteous than 99% of the hollering moviegoers sharing the cinema with my good self. A genius move, needless to say, because I had a fucking blast watching Infinity Train—hands the most fun I've ever had watching anime in a movie theatre—and I didn't even impale myself driving all the way dwelling. (Don't beverage and drive, kids. I'yard not a role model.) The signal of the story? Demon Slayer is perfect for casuals who but want to plough their brains off and gawk at pretty colors and loud noises, or losers like me who just want an excuse to indulge in some overnice, diversionary substance abuse to escape the tedium of their lives and be ever so briefly stupefied by visual backlog. Decorate it as much every bit you want; a garden-multifariousness shounen manga accommodation filled with null just ane-note characters, lowbrow sense of humor, and multi-episode, asspull-ridden fights simply is what it is, ufotable animation or non.

Thank you for reading.

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February 13, 2022

Overall x
Story ix
Blitheness 10
Sound 10
Character 10
Enjoyment x


We accept reached cinema.


THE Goat.

Demon Slayer is the undisputed impeccable confront of shounen. Everything about Demon Slayer is of ultimate quality. Despite the mutual horde of "criticism" the anime gets, Demon Slayer is the anime that has left a name for itself. Information technology will be on countless pinnacle 10s, information technology volition be the archetype of the time to come, it will live as eternal memory in the anime timeline. Anime and then good I can assure you Nihon is never going back into recession with this goat's beingness. But anyway, before I get into the actual review, I'd like to do some talk on the community as a whole with fiction such as Demon Slayer.

It is articulate to just virtually anyone who uses forums, reads reviews, or just chat with friends, will find that people volition be on one of two sides. The first group will see any piece of blitheness ("art" works too) and call it the best affair in the world, the second volition see said art and slander it by calling these works "overrated" and "overhyped" and literally any other words of criticism frowned upon via subconscious reviewer rules as being lazy to apply. I've explained this earlier in some other review of mine, notwithstanding, I am going to exist on a dissimilar side this fourth dimension, and if you couldn't already tell from my score, the anime captivated me enough such that I do believe Demon Slayer is a work of art worthy of all the praise in the world. But. I'd like to stress something, which I will do very soon. Sure, Demon Slayer is lucky and all. It managed to get in the easily of a nice studio. Though something nigh Demon Slayer is however very striking and very honest that regardless of what you lot may think of the writing side, you have to admit that it has some masterpiece or at the very minimum, *good* qualities.

The story of Demon Slayer is nothing grand, but it is honest. Really, that is all that matters. Non but that information technology is honest, but information technology too goes to no lengths to stretch anything out into absurdity. It plays its cards nicely, doesn't overstay its welcome with whatever lopsided tactics in a desperate attempt to engage the audition, because information technology is already amazing in itself. I feel as if simplicity is frequently overlooked in media these days, something elementary cannot somehow be appreciated equally equally other more sophisticated titles out in that location. I'd argue against information technology for sure. Information technology's even more than concerning to know that many people will exist very quick to phone call Demon Slayer "generic", and honestly, that is "true", but what the hell does that word fifty-fifty mean in an honest sense? Generic relative to what standard? Why is Ten considered generic and not only a plot device made to make the story become frontward, considering you know, plots need plot devices? When you say "generic", isn't that just a broad term taking in everything rather than looking at Demon Slayer as a shounen anime? Which information technology and then happens to be one. People will throw around terms similar the same but it is bizarre to me that information technology tin can be used then carefree in an anime that is also not trying to nowadays itself in a genre with dissimilar motifs and themes running behind them irrelevant to the common ones seen in the genre it actually is inside of. It's unfortunate really that the story of this show will become overshadowed by standards it does not need to come across. But let'southward go over why the story isn't even bad in the first place rather than proverb that it doesn't need to do Ten and Y.

For this particular season, Demon Slayer focuses on the chapter on Uzui Tengen and the 3 musketeers infiltrating the Entertainment Commune in search of Uzui's wives. Nothing in this particular flavor stands out for what currently exists, and I would imagine that the quality would stay this way for hereafter seasons to come for the anime (as well as from what I read, I can kinda confirm). But, as mentioned beforehand, this is all a very honest story. What we are met within this arc is none other than typical shounen tropes with exemplary performances attached to their name. There are multiple moments in this arc where characters would exist pulled under situations where seemingly all promise is lost and countless lives are placed in peril. Doesn't audio like a lot, but for a story of its kind, with the amazing execution in art and writing, you lot can truly grasp the state of affairs. It is like a "feels" event but for shounen anime. The stakes are existent hither and the characters' emotions follow through with cypher losses in the system. I wouldn't get effectually dismissing stuff like this as depression-quality effortless works that exist simply to concur the story together. It seems to me that people are forgetting the target audience needs, or if yous don't desire to exist cynical, they are not respecting the high-quality aspects usually found when evaluating anime every bit its kind. All unfortunate stuff, merely it is understandable why one may think similar that, but it also kinda strikes me as a footling dishonest to say that the quality of these shows are some level of objectively (lol) bad because they are using tropes seen everywhere. As explained, it isn't as if Demon Slayer is being half-hearted with these tropes. Hell, our characters are not even in their endgame withal, they are also recalling vital memories of the past as a means to abound themselves into the platonic land they wish to go. The writing hither doesn't suck, I'd vehemently disagree, and it would be nice if people could understand my perspective on the story equally to why the writing isn't as bad as people arrive out to be.

Honestly, though, I volition say ane thing, and that is speed. I don't mean pacing is bad—bug exist at that place, however. What I mean is that yous have moments of intense action followed upward with talking that can concluding a little while long enough to take up more than time than necessary. In an anime that is heavily focused on activity and the likes, I run across this as a distorted fit, something that doesn't piece of work too as people may hope it should. It's something I went over in another review (might likewise check out all my reviews at this betoken), only being as well critical of the matter isn't something I'd say is necessary. Sure, information technology is irksome at times, just it should too come up to clear discover equally to how this is a Television set anime, which has different fundamentals than compared to, allow'south say, a movie. You should wait to find that in that location are moments here that might kill the tension, just in this fault, there are consequences that follow up with something impressive, to say the least. Moments in this Tv set anime that have low retentivity to action isn't something that is consistent in the viewing experience. Simply a few times does that even happen? Something that might every bit well be insufficient depending on who yous are talking to, but information technology is something that I wanted to note. Even in this review basically praising Demon Slayer for just about every matter that has been fatigued, the fault is still around these corners. Nothing likewise devastating though. Would imagine most would relish such. Most of the aforementioned is a stereotype enforced onto shounen anime anyway. A lilliputian flake nearly the pacing too. For the most function, it was liveable, most of the moments were correctly allocated to the correct episodes. One thing I didn't like however is how each episode would get cutting short but some bewilderment relative to each private episode. It wasn't due to me disliking the tension being carried forwards, rather, the abrupt endings to everything that was happening. I suppose that too is mutual in shounen anime, only it was something that I didn't observe to exist the most highly-seasoned in my viewing experience. Some decent closure in each episode would accept been nice.

Aside from all I have rambled on well-nigh. The writing attribute of Demon Slayer is generally underrated for the most office. Again, I volition hands downwards admit that it isn't Evangelion or Tatami Galaxy or whatever kind of obscure pre-2010 avant-garde title yous can throw at me. But I will be there fighting for this anime's side in its writing quality. No development? Literal training scenes. Nothing to depict attention to? Recollection of the by and everything that has happened thus far AND how that impacts the characters in the anime currently. It's tiresome? Subjectivity issue. I'd promise more people would recognise the story as something a little more than information technology is "generic". I could become on simply I'd similar to write some more down on other aspects. Demon Slayer often gets the contemptuous side of criticism very easily and I just wanted to relay something to support what it had going for itself.

The characters of the story here are ane of the all-time points here likewise. Following on from the Mugen Train arc, everyone here is still amidst the long journey they brought for themselves and it comes across every bit something that nevertheless will be something of a thou trek. Once more, these characters are training, these characters are reflecting, these characters nevertheless have a lot on their shoulders. This isn't some rubbish out of nowhere. It was something of a well-crafted or at minima, something that had thought behind it. These guys are very piece of cake to attach to with their goals set in stone, doing everything in their power to make sure that such becomes a reality.

Tanjiro. The wholehearted wholesome guy. You can actually tell he cares virtually his job every bit a Demon Slayer, keeping up the morale and having the motivation required for him to truly fit the part of the primary character of the story. The aspiration everyone would similar to have the path of in bettering themselves. He is the apotheosis of a world-class shounen grapheme.

Zenitsu and Inosuke. Here, they may seem the same as it was when this commencement aired, nonetheless, I exercise believe that they have inverse for the improve even if in minuscule segments. With all that preparation and lessons along the way, they have upward their swords to strike down the enemy ahead of them in a mode that was not like the past. I hateful shoutout to Zenitsu for that exemplary commanding skill even in slumber.

Nezuko. Doesn't really accept the best development, which I would concur with. Although she isn't some dead weight (never really was), managed to improve herself and come to some terms that may be of future reference in the futurity arcs.

Uzui. The flashing legend. Although he is no Rengoatku, the dude is nonetheless a loveable Hashira that has managed to sway the hearts of many every bit he did his iii wives. He's non all fun and games though. Along with his flashy way, he has still had a past that is deep enough to make you lot understand that the guy has been through a lot already, information technology simply stacks atop one another with stakes with episodes of this season.

A solid cast of characters all around for this season actually. Everyone had a part here and all were executed to masterful status. It is astonishing how far they made the anime and then enjoyable. Nil here has led me to believe this is low quality or anything. Played their roles well and I would imagine most of the audience would agree.

Now. The animation. No words tin can describe how amazing it was. Ufotable is truly pulling out mad ones and was non messing effectually this season. Literally, everything here was to some quality that doesn't come effectually every so often in such a very very very good way. Fluid animation, literally every sequence of frames was something of a magical experience. You could feel the literal activity, the fights, the sword swings, any, they were all performed to such a high standard it is genuinely incredible. And so much stuff got the detail information technology deserved, so many more stuff got the vibrant nature is dreaded for. Ufotable delivered, and that is all that was needed to brand everything work.

The affair is with art is that it is powerful enough to make people obscure thoughts that don't correlate to 100% of everything they are talking about. Happens with anything that has good art. Violet Evergarden, Your Name, Silent Vocalism, Solo Leveling, Ousama Ranking, the listing goes on ad infinitum. But Demon Slayer's art and story worked well so much together that I don't believe information technology is something of a misinterpretation to say that the art here obscures the value of the anime. Sure, as pointed out, the faults are there. But at that place are celebrity points people seem to be forgetting besides. Demon Slayer is a lucky fiction to get the attention it has, but I will also stand by it and defend it where it should considering people remember the criticism it gets is something that is quite unfortunate, which information technology certainly is. I dear this art and it helped out everything, yep, only I also love the works beneath it. I am not so cynical to detest this for it being flashy. I mean, Uzui would beloved for it to be too.

I used to be very myopic with Demon Slayer. I have to acknowledge, I at one betoken in life, would not hesitate to say "oh, this anime bad!! it but got good animation, it's not really **good**" but so I came to terms with myself and understood that not everything needs to have criticism in a way that may make an individual seem unique. It is really okay to love anime like Demon Slayer, information technology seems we have forgotten mutual respect out of the stuff like so that come out, just where the boom hits seem to exist for large shounen. It's quite lamentable, people tin can have the opinions they want, merely it is also disappointing that a distaste for real good shows that are indeed elementary pieces of elaborate work exist out there. Nix incorrect with that, and that'south all I need for a 10.

ufotable has accomplished cinema, and it is only going to be wild from thereon. I'll see you lot all in the next affiliate.

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Feb 13, 2022

Overall 3
Story 1
Animation 8
Sound seven
Character 1
Enjoyment 1



I can't believe it simply nosotros've reached the point where constant screamings, non-finish asspulls, pointless dialogues/monologues, and a fight with horrible pacing are considered skillful writing and represents ane of the peaks of the medium by most of the fans.

The events in this flavour of Demon Slayer take place correct after the previous 1, Mugen Train. Tanjiro visits Rengoku's business firm and gives bad news to his father and younger brother. Some shit happens, and we larn more about Asspull Breathing. Then he goes back to Shinobu'due south mansion and trains more with his best buddies Zenitsu and Inosuke, who are the users of Crying Animate and Screaming Animate, respectively. One day, when he returns to the mansion after a mission, he sees a muscular, big shady guy is trying to kidnap two of the girls of the mansion. When Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke learn this big shady guy has a task in the brothel district and needs some girls, they take the identify of these girls. Non much after, the shady guy reveals his goal, evidently he has three wives and sent all of them to the brothel commune, simply didn't get any new letters in the past months. For finding them, he sells Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke to different brothels subsequently making them crossdress. Then some shit happens and they find the Upper Moon half dozen and start to fight her.

The "ballsy" iv demon slayers and three shinobis vs. Upper Moon six fight lasts for half dozen fucking episodes which has virtually the same duration equally the whole Mugen Train movie. And then, why exactly did this fight have and so long? Does it have so many epic moments that can fill 120 minutes? Does information technology accept not bad backstories for the new characters? Does it accept amazing dialogues? Absolutely no. This is Demon Slayer we are talking about here. The fight goes like this:

30~60 seconds of decent animations that are enhanced with great VFX ─> two~three minutes of awful dialogues ─> 30~60 seconds of decent animations that are enhanced with dandy VFX ─> 1~2 minutes of constant screaming ─> 2~3 minutes of unnecessary and horrible monologues ─> xxx~sixty seconds of beautiful sakuga

Then repeat the same process once more, and voila! Y'all have a Demon Slayer episode. Fifty-fifty episode 10 which was praised af was like this with exception of having beautiful sakuga instead of "decent animations"

So, does this mean Demon Slayer: Yuukaku-hen got carried past the animations? Of course not. Because fifty-fifty ufotable's expert animations and amazing VFX work can't carry a shit like Demon Slayer that thinks abiding screaming makes the terribly placed jokes funny. Even that amazing visuals can't carry the fights that are filled with asspulls, disgusting dialogues/monologues, and constant screaming.

Fights in DS: Yuukaku-hen is terrible, and the master reason for this is asspulls.

Tanjiro, who is already at his limit, gets fifty-fifty stronger in an instant during the fight. Why does this happen? Because the Upper Moon 6, Daki, made him angry and his optics are haemorrhage correct at present!

Nezuko gets a bigger body and a horn, and at present she's as strong equally an Upper Moon! How? Considering Daki made her angry!

That's it. That's the main source of power in Demon Slayer's universe. Do you demand to deport the refrigerator since it became likewise hard to get out your room for the nutrient? Find Daki, allow her make you angry, and voila! Now yous can even fight an conflicting robot while carrying that refrigerator!

And the worst office of this is asspulls don't end here.

We already knew Inosuke is flexible, but at present he can fifty-fifty move his heart right afterwards getting stabbed by a hole-and-corner attack and dodge the blade. Did this author miss the biology form?

Oh, they won the fight, simply half of them go poisoned. How volition they recover from this!? Ta-da! Nezuko can heal the poisons with her demon power now!

These kinds of asspulls make the fights so fucking dull. Considering when they become in a compression, you know there isn't anything to worry most since 1 of the characters will pull something out of their asses for saving the day. When the cringy dialogues/monologues and abrasive screamings are added to the fight, it becomes ane of the worst fight scenes in the whole fucking medium, and fifty-fifty ufotable's animations can't comport it.

That's the whole story of Yuukaku-hen btw. Null important happened except for the half-dozen-episode long fight, and one can say even that fight wasn't important since information technology didn't touch on the main plot that much. So, if nothing important for the plot didn't happen, were at that place great character developments or character drama? Of course not, just as I said before this is Demon Slayer we are talking almost here. Character developments are non-existent, and no, a character getting a new skill doesn't count as grapheme development. That'due south not how information technology works. Character evolution is the change of a character'due south over the course of the events, thank you to their new experiences, and this doesn't exist in Yuukaku-hen. Zenitsu, Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Uzui, all of them stay the aforementioned afterwards these 11 episodes, nothing single about them changed.

So, what most character drama? The show actually tried something with Uzui and Upper Moon six. Both of their character dramas revolve around their backstories and both of them autumn flat. We tin can skip talking about Uzui correct away because nothing is shown in his backstory except for his large-titty wives. Nosotros got informed nigh some family shit that happened in Uzui'due south youth, just this was told in like ten seconds and doesn't take whatever furnishings on the story or his character except for "I care most my subordinates!" shit, which nosotros already see in Mugen Train with Rengoku. Upper Moon vi has a amend backstory than Uzui, but that was told in the concluding fucking episode, so I didn't give a damn. backstory should've been shown during the fight, non after. In this fashion, both the fight and Upper Moon 6 would be more interesting. 1 tin can say this would harm the pacing of the fight. However, the pacing is already dreadful because of all the things I talked about. I'd rather see the backstory of the demons instead of terribly-written unnecessary moments during the fight.

And so why do people praise the fight in Yuukaku-hen? Because information technology is animated by ufotable, and some people don't care almost anything merely the visuals, that's all. Good writing? Three-dimensional characters? Decent pacing? Most people don't care about these. Feed them with astonishing visuals and that'southward plenty for them to be satisfied. Is this a bad thing? No. Ane can relish the amazing visuals and don't intendance most the residue. In that location'due south cipher wrong with information technology. However, Yuukaku-hen isn't the best-looking thing ufotable produced. If yous want to lookout good-looking fights, then watch Heaven's Feel, its fights look way better than Yuukaku-hen fights. Yep, those movies aren't skilful adaptations for the visual novel's story, and yous will need to watch ufotable's Unlimited Blade Works before it, but if you scout anime just for practiced-looking fights so bad accommodation shouldn't be a problem, and UBW has good-looking fights also. So, does Yuukaku-hen has peachy visuals? Yeah, not as skilful equally ufotable'southward other shows, just aye. Can these visuals behave the whole testify? Hell no.

A similar thing can be said for the sound quality too. Voice actings and SFX are still every bit keen as the first season and the picture show, merely OST is not. Yuukaku-hen still has bang-up soundtracks, but none of them is as melodious every bit Tanjiro no Uta or Akaza vs Rengoku theme.

Too, perfect accommodation? What are yous all talking near? Sure, ufotable turned the horrible paneling in the manga into a watchable anime with their detailed composition and actress scenes. Yet, they didn't remove the unnecessary "stating the obvious" monologues. These are used in the manga for explaining what happened to the readers who couldn't understand it because of the horrible paneling. If you lot fixed that paneling issue, why did you keep stating the obvious parts? Information technology'southward a crucial error in the adaptation since it harms the flow of the fights.

Nosotros are standing at a point where dreadful pacing, atrocious dialogues, useless monologues, abiding annoying screaming, horrible comedy, non-real character developments, and a shitload of asspulls are overlooked considering of great visuals and audio which aren't fifty-fifty as expert as the studio'due south previous projects. I promise this happened just because of the recency bias and hype, and in the future, more people tin realize Yuukaku-hen is the weakest Demon Slayer installment.

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