How to Purchase Running Shoes

Before you lot lace up for your next run, apply this guide to assistance notice the right running shoes for you.

No thing if you're preparing to run a big race or working to get into shape, knowing what to look for in running shoes is fundamental. There are several factors that become into choosing a pair that fits your needs. Nonetheless, once you find the correct pair, y'all may find yourself running in a different gear. Find out how to cull the right running shoes for y'all with these helpful tips from our DICK'S Sporting Appurtenances Run Ambassadors.


Before y'all begin racing toward your new running shoes, it'south important to understand how they should fit. Run Administrator Ryan Marshall says, "As a whole, I recommend at least one half of a thumbnail to one thumbnail of space from where your toe is to the stop of the shoe. Typically, that ranges from near one half-size to a full size of what y'all measure at."

This added space tin help improve your running comfort due to the natural toll running takes on your anxiety. With every pavement-pounding stride, your feet can begin to swell. The actress space can permit your feet to expand comfortably without jamming your toes into the front.

There are instances, however, where a tighter fitting shoe tin come in handy. According to Run Ambassador Amy Adkins, a snug plumbing equipment shoe tin exist slap-up for speed preparation or trail running. The added tightness can create a more class-plumbing fixtures feel, holding your foot in place for agility and security. Be sure to think through your intended running plans and personal preferences before trying on a pair.

summary for finding the right type of running shoe


There are three singled-out styles of running shoes: neutral, stability and motion control. Each type of shoe offers unlike qualities for various running styles.

Neutral Running Shoes

This type of running shoes complements neutral runners with medium arches. Neutral running shoes tin also do good runners with high arches who exhibit supination, as well known as underpronation. Neutral running shoes offer midsole cushioning and back up designed for added shock assimilation.

Stability Running Shoes

Stability shoes are for runners who experience mild to moderate overpronation with low or flat arches. They feature adequate medial support and midsole cushioning. These shoes tin help distribute the impact of running to minimize overpronation.

Motion Control Running Shoes

These shoes tin can be a great option for runners who exhibit moderate to severe overpronation. Movement control shoes have extra built-in support and flatter outsoles. This combination can help gainsay excessive pronation to assistance stabilize the human foot.

There are a few ways to figure out which running shoe may best fit you. This includes the arches of your feet, your gait type and the tread of your shoes.

For more guidance on how to choose the right type of running shoe, bank check out the DICK'Southward Running Shoe Finder. Answer a few quick questions about your running habits and preferred fit, and the Running Shoe Finder volition point you towards the perfect pair.

Curvation Type

The offset step to finding a pair of running shoes is to know your arch type. An easy way to determine this is by post-obit these three steps:

Determining Arch Size

  • Wet the lesser of your human foot.
  • Pace onto a paper towel or a piece of paper.
  • Look at the curvation on your foot'south imprint.

This will assistance you determine which of the three arch types (flat, medium or high) you have.


Flat Arch Size

Flat feet accept very low or non-visible arches. They leave imprints that are well-nigh whole, appearing much similar the entire sole of the foot. This type of curvation is normally flexible and likely to overpronate.


Medium Arch Size

These feet take moderate to boilerplate curvation sizes and leave an imprint that shows but the heel and forefoot connected by a wide ring. Runners who have normal feet commonly accept a semi-flexible arch.


High Arch Size

A foot has loftier arches when the heel and forefoot connect in a very narrow band. Loftier-biconvex feet are more than rigid and do not typically pronate enough to effectively absorb impact. For this reason, runners with high arches may prefer neutral running shoes with extra cushioning.


Your running gait is the mode your feet strike and go out the ground while yous're running or walking. Gait helps determine what office of your foot touches the ground when moving. This will impact what running shoe y'all buy.

There are iii singled-out gait types:


Neutral Gait Size

With this gait, the exterior of your heel strikes the ground commencement and your pes rolls slightly inwards to absorb the shock. The foot may pronate but not excessively. Your foot evenly pushes off at the end of your gait. Runners with a neutral gait should consider neutral running shoes.


Overpronation Gait Size

The exterior of your heel strikes the ground and rolls excessively inward. This hinders your pes and ankle's ability to stabilize your body and absorb impact. Runners who exhibit overpronation should go with stability or motion command shoes.

Supination (Underpronation)

Supination Gait Size

The outside of your heel strikes the footing first just does non curl inward through the gait cycle. The heel remains rotated outward. This causes the impact to concentrate in a pocket-sized portion on the outside of your foot, decreasing touch absorption. This gait blazon tin benefit from a neutral shoe with plenty of cushioning.

If y'all are still unsure of your gait type, visit your local DICK'Due south Sporting Goods. The running PROS will give you lot a complimentary gait analysis to aid find the correct type of shoe for yous. Larn more than nearly gait analysis with Pro Tips.

TREAD Vesture

An easy way to find clues about your gait blazon is to bank check the tread of a pair of your shoes. If y'all do not have another pair of running shoes, look at a pair of well-worn sneakers. You should exist able to identify which gait type yous have:

Overpronation: Article of clothing on the inside of the shoe.

Neutral: Fifty-fifty wear of the shoe in the ball of the pes and a portion of the heel.

Supination/Underpronation: Clothing on the outside of the shoe.

RUNNING Surround

Your footwear's effectiveness can too depend on your running surroundings. Depending on where you're running, you may find that traditional running shoes or trail-running shoes are meliorate for you.

  • Traditional Running Shoes: Run on pavement, packed trails and indoor surfaces with these shoes. Traditional running shoes are lite and designed with flexible outsoles.
  • Trail-Running Shoes: Dense condom outsoles fortify these shoes. This provides tread and durability against off-route terrain.

Knowing what to look for when choosing a pair of running shoes can assistance you hit the basis running during your next workout.

Finding the right pair of shoes is but the first footstep in gearing up for the big run. Cheque out what to await for in running socks and learn how to choose a pair of running shorts.

Store the entire collection of men's running shoes and women's running shoes at DICK'S Sporting Goods.

Searching for the right size? Expect for the True Fit icon on apparel and footwear product pages when shopping online at DICK'Southward Sporting Goods. Become personalized size and fit recommendations with only a few clicks. Learn more almost True Fit.